You’re waiting at a red light when the aggressive honking begins. The driver behind you is extremely upset that you didn’t move the second that the light turned green. The more he honks, the angrier you get. Gestures are exchanged, and you go on your way. Suddenly, that angry driver is tailgating you and honking […]
Keeping yourself safe on the road means constantly scanning for danger and trying to predict what other drivers will do. Most people try their best to reduce their risk, but sometimes, you may inadvertently put yourself in a dangerous position through your driving practices. For example, if you tend to merge and change lanes aggressively […]
When you place your parent in a nursing home, you entrust them to the care of the staff in that home. It is not a decision you will make lightly, but often, due to the complexity of caring for aging parents, it is your only choice. Unfortunately, some nursing homes fail to repay the trust […]
The past couple of years have been extremely difficult for those who work and live in nursing homes. Many state inspections throughout the country were placed on hold for a time. However, that’s no longer the case. State inspections are key to discovering problems and ensuring that they’re fixed. However, according to the U.S. Department […]
As a middle-aged worker in a typical office job, the most dangerous part of your day is probably just your commute to and from work. After all, the National Safety Council notes that car accident rates tend to peak from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. This is exactly when a lot of people are commuting […]
There’s no part of the country that’s immune from natural disasters. Unfortunately, as we’ve seen in cases from Florida to California, sometimes vulnerable nursing home residents whose protection should be a top priority for those responsible for their care are abandoned by staff who evacuated the facility and left them behind. In addition to natural […]
If you are involved in a car crash, you would be fortunate to walk away unscathed. Yet, you might not realize the full extent of your injuries at the time. If you sustain an injury, you may be eligible for compensation. Yet to do that, you need to know what injuries you have. Here are […]
Drivers encounter semitrucks on the roads on a daily basis, so it’s imperative that they know how to drive safely around them. One thing that’s critical is ensuring that they stay out of the blind spots around the truck. These are areas where the trucker can’t see vehicles. While you may have to drive through […]
Almost everybody knows that it’s important to stay hydrated. What about folks who can’t recognize their own needs due to dementia or other cognitive disorders? This is a common problem for the elderly, and they may end up suffering serious health problems when their caregivers don’t pay enough attention. What are the symptoms of dehydration? […]
Head lice are tiny insects commonly associated with daycare centers and elementary schools. Children who get in close proximity or who trade articles of clothing can quickly spread these obnoxious, biting insects to their friends and classmates. Although people usually associate lice with young children, these insects can attack people of any age. Those living […]