Sports Representation Provided By PMHP Law

Jonathan Marigliano has built a growing sports practice as he has represented a variety of athletes, coaches and other individuals in football, baseball, basketball, boxing and mixed martial arts as well as serving as a family adviser for amateur athletes. In addition to having practiced law for over 16 years, Jonathan has served as a scout for over […]

Open communication with your aging parents is crucial to their safety and wishes

Talking with our elderly parents about their living situations and the possible need for change is not always easy. Who wants to discuss moving mom or dad to an assisted living or nursing home facility? A successful conversation depends, to some degree, on the relationship we have with our parents. It also depends on the […]

Where To Turn If Your Loved One Is Being Abused In A Nursing Home

If you are dealing with the injury or even death of a loved one as a result of nursing home neglect and abuse, you are not alone. At the law offices of Prieto, Marigliano, Holbert & Prieto, LLC., we hold residential and long-term care providers responsible for injury, illness and death caused by negligent or substandard care. With […]

Public Comment Requested For Possible Rule Change To Arbitration Related To Nursing Homes

CMS (Medicare/Medicaid) is considering a rule change barring mandatory arbitration agreements in nursing home contracts, and has asked for public comment.  The time to comment ends September 14.  For those who do not know, as it stands today, when you admit a loved-one into a nursing home, hidden among all the paperwork is a document […]

Auto Accidents Are One Of The Most Common Forms Of Personal Injury

One of the most common forms of personal injury results from auto accidents on our local roads, highways and interstates. The attorneys at Prieto, Marigliano, Holbert & Prieto, LLC. have the experience you are looking for to help you navigate the court system and to battle the deep-pockets of the insurance companies who look to minimize their settlements. Our attorneys have over […]

Understanding The Danger Of Improperly Monitored Blood-thinners

The attorneys at Prieto, Marigliano, Holbert & Prieto, LLC. have litigated numerous malpractice cases for clients who suffered severe bleeding complications related to a commonly prescribed anti-coagulant or blood thinner called warfarin or Coumadin. Warfarin is the most commonly used oral anticoagulant in the US. An anticoagulant is a drug used to prevent unwanted and dangerous blood clots. […]

Nursing Home Abuse | Physical and Sexual Abuse

Nursing Home Abuse by Employees and Fellow Residents Nursing home facilities have a responsibility to maintain a safe and healthy environment for their residents. This includes taking reasonable precautions to protect residents from physical abuse or sexual assault. In some cases, an injury may result from an employee who has committed sexual abuse or physically […]

Don’t avoid talking with an aging parent about their living situation

Talking with our elderly parents about their living situations and the possible need for change is not always easy. A successful conversation depends on the relationship you have with your parent, as well, of course, as on the parent’s mental, emotional and physical condition. While many people put off serious conversations to avoid conflict or awkwardness, both […]