91% of nursing homes lack adequate staff to properly care for patients 36% of nursing homes have been cited for violation of elder abuse laws In 2010, there were 5,961,568 elderly abuse cases reported in the U.S. Not all of these are attributed to nursing homes, but still a staggering number Even with continued attention […]
Watching our grandparents, parents, aunts and uncles grow older has its own set of stresses. As those we love fall victim to the ailments of aging, we worry about our lives without them, all the while learning to provide care for them. We look to medicines, doctors, diets, vitamins—anything we can find—in hopes of keeping […]
For many, a short-term admission to a post-acute care facility to recover from an illness or provide a break to a caregiver sounds like a reasonable proposition. After all, what could go wrong during a short term admission of just a few days or weeks? Despite the short timeframe, without the facility’s understanding of patient […]
It is vital for your family member that you spend a considerable amount of time researching the nursing home before you make a final decision. Do not judge the nursing home solely on the basis of a guided tour or the nice furniture or attractive physical features of the facility. Visit with residents You should […]
Physical abuse can be as extreme as assault and battery or rape – or may consist of forced restraint, either by mechanical or chemical means (such as administration of psycho-pharmaceutical drugs not authorized by a doctor). Emotional abuse may include insults, humiliation, threats, and attempts to frighten the resident; it can also be a crime […]