Some tips for assessing a nursing home facility

It is important for your loved one that you spend a large amount of time researching the nursing home before choosing the one to send him or her to. Do not judge the nursing home on the basis of a guided tour or the nice furniture or attractive physical features of the facility. Visit with residents You should find […]

What to watch for when visiting with loved ones this holiday

Physical abuse can be as extreme as assault and battery or rape – or may consist of forced restraint, either by mechanical or chemical means (such as administration of psycho-pharmaceutical drugs not authorized by a doctor). Emotional abuse may include insults, humiliation, threats, and attempts to frighten the resident; it can also be a crime […]

Caregiver stress can take it’s toll on even the strongest person

The term “caregiver” refers to anyone who routinely helps others who are limited by chronic conditions. “Formal caregivers” are volunteers or paid employees connected to the social service or health care systems. The term “informal caregiver” refers to family members and friends, who provide nearly three-quarters of the care currently being provided to impaired older […]

Elder abuse cases on the rise, finds a study in Georgia

Just a few months ago, the Athens Banner-Herald published the following piece that we thought would shed additional light on the issues surrounding the abuse of the elderly. We have spent decades defending the rights of our senior citizens and punishing those institutions who take advantage of our frail and weak parents and grandparents. We […]

Focusing on the rights of the injured

The Attorneys at Prieto, Marigliano, Holbert & Prieto, LLC. are focused on protecting the rights of the wrongly injured. Whether hurt in an accident, the victim of medical malpractice or assaulted due to negligence on the part of a property owner, we have recovered millions of dollars in settlements and judgments for our past clients. We dedicate ourselves to building the legal strategy […]

An Alzheimer’s patient is abused by a nursing home employee

Make sure you can speak for those who may not be able to speak for themselves In a story that was published in the Augusta Chronicle from June 2013, A nursing home employee was arrested Wednesday in connection with assaulting an Alzheimer’s patient. The female employee of Augusta was charged with simple battery and protection of a […]

A basic overview on assisted living facilities

Assisted living facilities offer a housing alternative for older adults who may need help with dressing, bathing, eating, and toileting, but do not require the intensive medical and nursing care provided in nursing homes. Assisted living facilities may be part of a retirement community, nursing home, senior housing complex, or may stand-alone. Licensing requirements for […]

Communicating with elderly parents

Talking with our elderly parents about their living situations and the possible need for change is not always easy. A successful conversation depends to an extent upon the relationship we have with the parent, as well, of course, as on the parent’s mental, emotional and physical condition. While many people put off serious conversations to […]

Is your loved one being abused in a nursing home?

Physical abuse can be as extreme as assault and battery or rape – or may consist of forced restraint, either by mechanical or chemical means (such as administration of psycho-pharmaceutical drugs not authorized by a doctor). Emotional abuse may include insults, humiliation, threats, and attempts to frighten the resident; it can also be a crime […]