In the long-term care industry, LGBTQ+ discrimination is systemic. Hateful behavior comes from staff members and administrators as well as residents who are rude, disrespectful or homophobic. According to many sources, older individuals who fought for LGBT rights early on are being forced back into the closet due to an overwhelming fear of discrimination. A […]
Anyone can report nursing home abuse or neglect over the phone, online or by fax. It doesn’t take much time to file a complaint that could protect vulnerable people in Atlanta and throughout the state. Depending on where the abuse occurred, you can contact Adult Protective Services or the Georgia Department of Community Health (DCH). […]
As we age, there is a possibility our mental faculties will diminish. Although it can be challenging to think about, there are legal safety measures to protect yourself and your loved ones before they ever have to face life issues in a nursing home, an assisted living facility or an intensive care unit. At the […]
Talking with our elderly parents about their living situations and the possible need for change is not always easy. Who wants to discuss moving mom or dad to an assisted living or nursing home facility? A successful conversation depends, to some degree, on the relationship we have with our parents. It also depends on the […]
If you are dealing with the injury or even death of a loved one as a result of nursing home neglect and abuse, you are not alone. At the law offices of Prieto, Marigliano, Holbert & Prieto, LLC., we hold residential and long-term care providers responsible for injury, illness and death caused by negligent or substandard care. With […]
CMS (Medicare/Medicaid) is considering a rule change barring mandatory arbitration agreements in nursing home contracts, and has asked for public comment. The time to comment ends September 14. For those who do not know, as it stands today, when you admit a loved-one into a nursing home, hidden among all the paperwork is a document […]
Nursing Home Abuse by Employees and Fellow Residents Nursing home facilities have a responsibility to maintain a safe and healthy environment for their residents. This includes taking reasonable precautions to protect residents from physical abuse or sexual assault. In some cases, an injury may result from an employee who has committed sexual abuse or physically […]
If you are dealing with the injury or even death of a loved one as a result of nursing home neglect and abuse, you are not alone. At the law offices of Prieto, Marigliano, Holbert & Prieto, LLC., we hold residential and long-term care nursing home providers responsible for injury, illness and death caused by […]
Just a over a year ago, the Athens Banner-Herald published the following piece we thought would shed additional light on the issues surrounding the abuse of the elderly, especially in nursing homes and assisted care living facilities. We have spent decades defending the rights of our senior citizens and punishing those institutions who take advantage […]
Filing Claims Within the Statutes of Limitation When you learn a loved one has been the victim of abuse in a nursing home, assisted living facility or in a hospital or emergency care setting, you may not know how to react. Many people feel angry or betrayed or they want to hold the abuser accountable but […]