What are the signs of caregiver abuse?

One of the main causes of elder abuse within nursing home settings in Georgia and other U.S. states is caregiver burnout. While there is no excuse for elder abuse, there are several factors that may contribute to caregiver burnout. Financial issues, stressful working situations and substance abuse problems can lead to abusive or negligent care. […]

Common types of abuse that occurs at nursing homes

As people grow older in Atlanta their bodies do not work quite the same way as they do when they are younger. Due to this fact, they may need extra assistance with various activities throughout the day. Also, they may develop various diseases and injure themselves and require additional medical attention as a result. While […]

New Proposal Could Remove Rights of Nursing Home Residents

In the fall of 2016, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) took one step into the future by banning mandatory pre-dispute arbitration agreements. Now, the government has taken two steps into the past by revising the proposal and removing the most valuable protections for residents’ rights. The Proposal Banning Mandatory Arbitration in Nursing […]

Nursing Home Industry Tries to Prevent Patient Lawsuits

In September 2016, the government took a step forward by banning federally funded nursing homes from forcing residents to accept mandatory arbitration agreements. These clauses prevent patients and family members from filing lawsuits following nursing home neglect, elder abuse and severe crimes like rape and murder. However, the industry’s most powerful groups don’t want you […]

Why Bedsores Matter

Bedsores affect approximately 2.5 million patients annually. The condition occurs most often in seniors, but it also affects younger adults with limited mobility. Bedsores are sometimes called pressure ulcers because they develop when pressure limits blood flow to the skin. Ulcers are typically found in places where the bones and joints force the skin against […]

3 Ways to Spot Nursing Home Abuse

(404) 618 0082 to discuss your situation with Mr. Prieto. ” width=”800″ height=”493″ /> Make it your job to check on your elderly relatives. Visit them often to be sure that they’re receiving quality treatment. By following these steps, you can prevent nursing home abuse and identify problems before they impact your loved one’s well-being. […]

The Disabled are Abused Disproportionately in Nursing Homes

Numerous studies have found that disabled patients are abused more frequently and more severely than able adults. Frequent interactions with caregivers put these patients at risk. Adults and children with physical disabilities experience all types of abuse. Mistreatment and neglect can happen at home and in skilled nursing facilities. Organizations like the American Bar Association […]

Elder Care Abuse is NOT Just Physical

Elder abuse is a deplorable and inexcusable crime that goes unreported far too often. Abuse may go unnoticed even when there are physical injuries. Unfortunately, signs of psychological abuse are more difficult to detect. Family members are responsible for nine out of 10 elder abuse cases, but nursing facilities also neglect patients or use inappropriate […]