It is vital for your family member that you spend a considerable amount of time researching the nursing home before you make a final decision. Do not judge the nursing home solely on the basis of a guided tour or the nice furniture or attractive physical features of the facility. Visit with residents You should […]
Physical abuse can be as extreme as assault and battery or rape – or may consist of forced restraint, either by mechanical or chemical means (such as administration of psycho-pharmaceutical drugs not authorized by a doctor). Emotional abuse may include insults, humiliation, threats, and attempts to frighten the resident; it can also be a crime […]
We continue to grow our business here at PMHP Law, LLC. as it relates to our Elder Care practice. Our website was just given a complete overhaul and we’ve included several informative videos. We have also renamed our website home to better reflect our business: As we continue to grow our online presence, we will […]
The attorneys at Prieto, Marigliano, Holbert and Prieto, LLC. have obtained millions of dollars in verdicts and settlements for our clients, money they desperately needed to put their lives back in order following a serious injury or the loss of a loved one. As an example, the lawyers at PMHP Law fought for and received Georgia’s largest jury verdict […]