What are some warning signs of elder care abuse?

Physical abuse can be as extreme as assault and battery or rape – or may consist of forced restraint, either by mechanical or chemical means (such as administration of psycho-pharmaceutical drugs not authorized by a doctor). Emotional abuse may include insults, humiliation, threats, and attempts to frighten the resident; it can also be a crime […]

Medical Issues in Nursing Homes

Nursing home patients may find themselves subject to dozens of adverse conditions through no fault of their own:  bed injuries, pressure ulcers, falls, fractures, malnutrition and dehydration are some of the more prominent injuries. BED INJURIES Between January 1, 1985 and January 1, 2010, the FDA received 828 incidents of patients caught, trapped, entangled, or strangled […]

$6,000,000.00 awarded in wrongful death suit against personal care home

Mike Prieto and his team just garnered a six million dollar ($6,000,000.00) judgement against a personal care home in Georgia that was found negligent in the wrongful death of one of its’ patients.  Continuing to follow his core beliefs, Prieto knows this in no way can ever bring back that loved one for the grieving family, but […]

Caregiving and caregiver stress

The term “caregiver” refers to anyone who routinely helps others who are limited by chronic conditions. “Formal caregivers” are volunteers or paid employees connected to the social service or health care systems. The term “informal caregiver” refers to family members and friends, who provide nearly three-quarters of the care currently being provided to impaired older […]

Recent statistics reveal some disturbing trends in nursing home care

91% of nursing homes lack adequate staff to properly care for patients 36% of nursing homes have been cited for violation of elder abuse laws In 2010, there were 5,961,568 elderly abuse cases reported in the U.S.  Not all of these are attributed to nursing homes, but still a staggering number Even with continued attention […]

Medical issues in nursing homes — bed injuries

Between January 1, 1985 and January 1, 2010, the FDA received 828 incidents of patients caught, trapped, entangled, or strangled in hospital beds. The reports included 493 deaths, 141 nonfatal injuries, and 194 cases where staff needed to intervene to prevent injuries. Some siderails extend the full length of the bed; others, called half rails, […]

Communication is key in preventing a short-term stay from becoming a long-term nightmare

For many, a short-term admission to a post-acute care facility to recover from an illness or provide a break to a caregiver sounds like a reasonable proposition.   After all, what could go wrong during a short term admission of just a few days or weeks? Despite the short timeframe, without the facility’s understanding of patient […]