Safety Training: Everything You Need to Know When You’ve Been in an Accident

In 2020, the second most common reason for hospitalizations and ER visits in Georgia was motor vehicle collisions. These injuries are a serious concern—particularly when they are the result of someone else’s poor decision. 

Because you never know when disaster could strike, being sufficiently prepared for things like car accidents and other vehicle crashes is key to maintaining your safety. We’ll cover everything you need to know about preparing to respond to accidents and what to do if they happen, including getting help from local law enforcement and recruiting an accident lawyer.

How Can I Prepare to Handle Accidents?

It may feel like a car accident will never happen to you, but when it does, you’ll be grateful you’re prepared. Don’t make the mistake of overlooking necessary safety preparation and practices. Accidents can happen anytime, anywhere, so review these tips and make sure you’re ready to respond to unexpected events:

Keep a Safety Kit in Your Car

After an accident, a safety kit can help you handle emergencies until help arrives. A well-stocked kit should include items such as a first aid kit, flashlight, batteries, reflective warning triangles, and basic tools. A blanket, bottled water, and non-perishable snacks to provide comfort should also be included.

Have Important Documents Handy at All Times

Make sure you have constant access to important legal documents like car registration and insurance, your driver’s license, and health insurance information. Have these documents in your car or on your person anytime you drive, as they will be necessary for taking the first steps after a collision.

Know Your VIN (or Where to Find It)

Your car’s VIN is key information for notifying authorities or filing reports and claims with your insurance company or accident lawyer. If you don’t know your vehicle’s identification number, you can usually find it on the bottom left corner of the windshield or the car’s title. Once you’ve located the number, save it somewhere you can easily access it in case of an emergency.

Document All Damages

This step is absolutely crucial. Once you’re sure everyone is safe, carefully assess what you can. Document any and all damages and losses, including dents, scratches, ruined or lost belongings within the car, injuries, etc. Create a detailed list and take pictures so you’ll have them ready when it’s time to file a claim with your insurance company or accident lawyer.

File a Police Report

Filing a police report is an essential step after a car accident to ensure all details are officially recorded. This document assists in building an accurate account of the incident, which can be useful for insurance claims and legal purposes. Always contact the local authorities immediately following an accident to report what happened and cooperate fully with the responding officers.

Put an Accident Lawyer on Speed Dial

Dealing with the aftermath of a car accident can be stressful and scary, especially if you’re dealing with injuries on top of the damage to your vehicle. A skilled accident lawyer can help you recover all the compensation you deserve and make sure that your bills are covered.

Save the contact information of a trustworthy law firm in your area and give them a call if you or your family members sustain any injuries in the accident.

Find Peace and Restitution with PMHP

If you or a loved one has been injured in a motor vehicle collision, you need an exceptional accident lawyer. Our team at PMHP cares about you and your situation—something necessary in the legal industry. We take pride in giving you the personalized attention you deserve, seeing your case through, and giving you a voice so you can recover fully.We have years of experience and a full set of resources, and we’ll do everything in our power so you can receive full and fair compensation. If you’re suffering from the results of a car accident or other personal injury, consult with PMHP.