Is drowsy driving as dangerous as drunk driving?

Georgia residents who decide to drive their vehicles when they’re extremely tired are putting themselves and others on the road at risk. In fact, it’s been determined that drowsy drivers are three times likelier to get involved in a motor vehicle accident than a well-rested driver. It may be scary to contemplate, but drowsy driving actually shows similar impairments to those of drunk driving.

How does drowsiness impair one’s driving?

The reason that car accidents are more likely to happen to drivers who are tired is that their drowsiness impairs their driving abilities. Those who are overly tired will start to weave back and forth between lanes of traffic. Their reaction time to unexpected obstacles is going to significantly increase, and their ability to make good judgments when behind the wheel is going to diminish.

How does drowsy driving compare to drunk driving?

Experts have compared the effects of drowsiness and drinking on a person’s ability to operate a vehicle. They found that a person lacking 18 hours of sleep had an impairment level equivalent to having a blood alcohol concentration of .05%. They also discovered that fatigued drivers who went without 20 hours of sleep had an impairment level similar to a person with a blood alcohol content of .08%. After 24 hours of no sleep, the drowsy driver’s impairment level is similar to that of having a blood alcohol concentration of .01%.

Drowsy driving can be just as dangerous as operating a vehicle while drunk. It’s best to avoid getting behind the wheel of your vehicle if you’re lacking in the sleep department. If you’ve been injured as a result of a drowsy driver, it’s advisable to seek legal help to obtain the compensation that you need for your injuries.