We continue to grow our business here at PMHP Law, LLC. as it relates to our Elder Care practice. Our website was just given a complete overhaul and we’ve included several informative videos. We have also renamed our website home to better reflect our business: www.eldercareabuselawyer.com. As we continue to grow our online presence, we will bring you updates on our noteable wins, changes in elder care law, and other informative blogs. We have also embraced the power of social media and have created a Facebook page as well as a Twitter account for you to like and follow, respectively.
PMHP Law, LLC represents clients throughout Georgia and the Southeastern United States. To schedule a free consultation with a lawyer at our firm, call us at (404) 618 0082 or visit us online at www.eldercareabuselawyer.com.
Serving clients in:
Atlanta, Bartow, Cherokee, Cobb, Floyd, Fulton, Whitfield, Douglas, Polk, Chatham and all of Northwest Georgia, North Georgia, Central Georgia and South Georgia, as well as much of the Southeastern United States.